
Nature & Countryside

Steinbock im Abendrot
Allgäu High Alps nature reserve
The Allgäu High Alps are one of the most species-rich and diverse mountainous areas in the Alps – and one of the 23 most valuable nature reserves in the Alpine region according to the WWF.

If you dream of experiencing nature at its most pure and unspoiled, you should visit Oberstdorf’s side valleys at least once in your lifetime. The Allgäu Alps are known for their diverse landscapes. There are few places where you’ll find huge rocky mountains like the Trettach right next to steep grass mountains like the Höfats.

The Main Dolomite is a primary rock formation in the limestone Alps and one of the oldest types of rock in the Allgäu Alps.
Some 200 million years ago, the layer of stone formed on a subtropical mud flat that was hostile to life. Although originally deposited the deepest, when the fold mountains were formed, it was pushed up on top of all newer earth and rock layers. As such, the Main Dolomite today forms the hugely rocky and impressive peaks of the Allgäu’s central main ridge from the "Hochvogel" to the "Biberkopf" and "Widderstein". Also characteristic of the Allgäu Alps are the extremely weathering resistant aptychi layers. Together with the spotted marl limestones, which are also extremely long-lasting, these were raised up during the creation of the Allgäu Alps and modelled through the weathering of the softer rocks that surrounded them. Especially in the case of the summits and rugged mountain ridges of the "Höfats" and the "Schneck", this resulted in the mountains that are characteristic of the Allgäu Alps. Nowhere else these kinds of summits can be found as predominantly as in the Oberstdorf mountains.

Protected area

The Allgäu High Alps are regarded as Germany’s most species-rich group of mountains and have been designated as a nature reserve since 1992. Spanning 20,724-hectares, they are larger than several German national parks and by far the largest nature reserve in the administrative district of Swabia as well as one of the largest nature reserves in the country. Large parts of the region are classed as European protected flora and fauna habitats, which are subject to specific protective regulations. The Allgäu High Alps were named a Natura 2000 area in 2002. Natura 2000 is a European biotope network that aims to safeguard biodiversity and centres around protected areas, especially nature reserves.

Diversely extreme – extremely diverse

The nature reserve offers steep and flat, exposed and sheltered, shaded and sunny locations, all within close proximity.

As the altitude rises, so too does the level of rainfall (up to over 3,000 mm per year). The temperature fluctuations between day and night and the UV content of the sunlight are more extreme at higher altitudes, as too are the differences in the amount of snow (blown away from ridges, piled meters high in depressions).

With erosion, mudslides and avalanches, the Alpine habitat never stands still.

Aufstieg durch das Sperrbachtobel
The secret lies underground

The different types of rock offer multiple conditions for life, including nutrient-rich, nutrient-poor, alkaline and acidic locations. Thanks to the altitude, the climate and the dynamics, the widest range of animal and plant species find many ecological niches.

The protected area is characterised by gorge and boulder forests, alpine streams, moorland and tarns.


The nature reserve and landscape conservation area, which spans 75% of the municipal area of Oberstdorf, is intended to safeguard the habitat and thus the existence of endangered plants and animals. Together with their unique nature and particular scenic beauty, this makes the Allgäu Alps well worthy of protection.

Please note:

Camping and bivouacking in non-rocky areas and making fires are prohibited in the Allgäu Alps nature reserve!

The use of mountain paths by bikes of any kind is prohibited unless specifically designated as cycle paths! This prohibition applies to all trails to or between mountain huts, summit routes and other mountain paths in the Allgäu Alps.

Dogs should be kept on a lead in sensitive areas! Please note and respect the habitats and feeding areas of other animals. Even outside the nature reserve, dog poo left on agricultural and Alpine land can cause diseases that affect grazing cattle.


Live webcams provide clear images of the Oberstdorf mountains and valleys at:

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